i miss New York New York...i love the Western Burger~ so tempting~ yum yum
i ordered a Burger with slice beef and cheese. There is a name of it but i forgot. The cost of it was RM$16+..sooo yummmyyy~ The biggest burger with its tempting ingredients...was about RM$35+. No regrets on trying it....
Kenny Rogers, liley's fav... i love the choices of side dish.... ~
Big Apple Donutz & Coffee....many choices of donutz there including the Durian DOnut which was nicely decorated just like Durian. The prices: cheap~
All i remember about Sushi King was at the Entrance, the waitress name us the contact lens family hehe....we all wore contact lenses that time, Vince wear Black lens, Liley with her Grey lens, Wynah wear the Naruto Red lens and me with my Aqua lens. Overall...the sushi was nice and the menu most likely identical with Kaizen~
Last Sunday, we made custard which i think it was easy [at first] but its NOT! One mistake will probably ruined the custard. Anyway, after a few tries, my uncle and liley..successfully made the custard. Perfect smooth texture. Not with crumb [the previous] hehe we ate the custard together with fruit cake. It taste quite good.
Went to the AAC Carnival at 11+am with my hby..last Sunday. It was raining cats and dogs. I was planning to take pictures of the Car show, too bad there were no sunShine. However, i did took some pictures of the displayed cars, only their bumper (hehe) because i took it when i was in the car driving around the carnival.
"Ideal" Evaporated Milk a.k.a. Tin Susu Cair "Ideal"
Then the Tea..slowly pour it with the help of a spoon (as seen in the pictures).
Voila~ The 3 Layered Tea
Sorry...i used the Milo Glass Cup hehehe spoilll~ The process of making this...was fun...everyone tried it and yet at the end...we mixed it all the 3 layered to drink it. huhuhu